ZUGZWANG : When it’s your turn and there’s no good move.

  • Only Paranoids Notice Anything

    Ideas are easy – at least to some of us. If ideas were easy – or came easily – to most, then there would be a lot more of something and a lot less of something else. For example there would be a lot more good books and good meals.

  • Talking to Oneself

    The Futility of Talking to Oneself and Other Relevant Matters I don’t know why I’m saying this. Nobody out there is even listening.

  • Consider the Moment

    Consider the Moment This is only a warning – the world hasn’t really come to an end. It’s just become a little bit more untenable. This should serve as a warning. Consider that moment we’ve all experienced, that stage of a bad dream wherein we struggle to wake up. A moment later we enter another…